AI spring is here to stay.
Ask anyone to name pivotal moments in history, and a few famous ones arelikely to come up. Alexander Graham Bell makes the first-ever phone call.
Tim Berners-Lee introduces the internet we know today. Steve Jobs unveils
the first-generation iPhone. These inventions fundamentally changed the way
we communicate, live and work.
A look back into the decades-long history of AI reveals several peaks and
valleys of public interest — respectively, AI springs and winters — since its
inception in the mid-1950s. The release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in late 2022
introduced generative AI into the mainstream, marking another pivotal
moment that will someday be in the history books. It launched an AI spring
that we believe will deeply impact the course of industry and society for
decades to come.
Gartner’s Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies in 2023 claims that generative AIwill reach the peak of inflated expectations, but we believe in the long term that AI
is actually underestimated and the hype cycle represents only a mere sliver of its
potential impact. In fact, AI in all of its forms will become as ubiquitous to modern life
as electricity and be so ingrained in our daily lives that we’ll barely even think about it —
like switching on a light.
Today’s digital environments are perfectly primed to benefit from the power of
generative AI. In the past, a single person could realistically have access to an
organization’s entire dataset. But as organizations embrace dispersed architecture
across hybrid and multicloud, it has become nearly impossible to see all of the pieces of
the puzzle. Several confounding factors — including an evolving threat landscape and
heavier reliance on digital systems — create a maelstrom of chaos for IT, engineering
and security professionals.
Humans simply cannot wrangle, manage and monitor this complexity alone, leaving
technology and security teams stressed and resource-strapped. It was hard enough
to find a needle in the haystack — but now they must find multiple needles in a whole
field of hay. AI steps in as a promising solution. According to The CISO Report, 86% of
CISOs believe that generative AI will alleviate skills gaps and talent shortages.
In short, we see AI as a requirement to build digital resilience
The antidote to AI anxiety
While the promise of AI has garnered mainstream interest, it’s also atthe center of intense scrutiny and distrust, especially for cybersecurity
professionals. As the saying goes, “you can’t protect what you don’t
know,” and there is still so much to be discovered about AI. Discomfort
in the unknown — this AI anxiety — is only natural.
Here’s what we do know: AI will be used for good and bad, presenting
opportunities for both defenders and malicious actors. It will
introduce new social engineering attempts, increased data privacy
and security risks, and expanded attack surfaces as teams delve into
AI development and lower the barriers to entry for cybercrime. It will
also make IT, engineering and security operations faster and easier.
Fueling the uncertainty around AI is a lack of transparency. What
is substantiating the decisions that an AI model makes and why?
Decision making is particularly high stakes for digital resilience —
a wrong decision can result in millions of dollars’ worth of downtime
or a costly data breach. And while humans can easily discuss their
reasoning behind decisions, fully explainable AI doesn’t exist yet.
Similarly, human biases are well-documented, but biases in AI are
baked into its algorithms and training data and are therefore moe
difficult to detect.
We promise it’s not all doom and gloom — far from it, actually. Thefuture of AI is incredibly bright, and it will be a positive force for
digital resilience.
Regulation and clear governance will likely address some of the
problems currently associated with AI. But in the meantime, it’s
on companies pioneering the usage and development of AI — like
Splunk — to help organizations navigate AI safely and effectively.
Since embracing AI as a discipline in 2015, we’ve had to answer
hard questions: How do we keep our customers safe in this era of
uncertainty? How can we lean on AI to enhance digital resilience,
not erode it?
Companies leading this new era of AI must take thoughtful,
deliberate approaches to its development. That’s why we created
our AI philosophy: Splunk’s set of beliefs around AI that will never
waver. These tenets will deliver value to organizations around the
world, inform our long-term strategy and most importantly, drive the
responsible use and development of AI.
With this philosophy acting as a North Star, our AI adventure
Purpose-built, embedded AI drives thebest digital resilience outcomes.
Did you know that the founders of Splunk, Erik Swan and Rob Das,first tried to cure cancer? While their initial failure can be attributed
to a variety of reasons, one is that they didn’t have domain expertise.
“I still have my bookmarks of genomics research in my browser and
I never made it through the first paper,” Swan said once in a Silicon
Angle interview.
Instead, they decided to solve a problem they deeply understood
through experiences at their previous company: the challenge of
searching through logs to troubleshoot why IT infrastructure was
down. Having been personally frustrated by this tedious process in
the past, they decided to make Splunk the solution.
Similarly, experts in security and observability should design and
build AI models for security and observability because they have
the best insights derived from real-world experience and data.
Models should also be trained on data sets based on specific use
cases and environments to deliver relevant context. For AI to be
truly useful in the context of digital resilience, it must be domainspecific — in other words, purpose-built — and tightly embedded
into everyday workflows.
Let’s delve into what it means for AI to be purpose-built. Generic
AI large language models (LLMs) are trained on massive datasets,
enabling them to have some knowledge about just about everything.
Using generic AI to solve specific problems, however, is like trying
to build a fence with a Swiss Army knife rather than a power drill. A
generic LLM can analyze incidents at a high level, for example, but
that analysis may not be accurate or relevant to your environment.
Domain-specific AI depends on relevant and high-quality data, andas such, delivers much more useful and accurate outcomes. For
specialized fields such as security, IT and engineering, this is vital.
Equally important is the ability for those domain-specific models
to work seamlessly in your existing detection, investigation and
response workflows. Currently these teams are forced to switch
to another tab (or another app entirely), type their prompt into an
AI service, switch back to their dashboard and copy and paste
the response — while also creating greater data exposure and
privacy concerns.
Security and observability practitioners are particularly exhausted
with cumbersome and inefficient workflows. Organizations operate
and maintain an average of 165 internally developed business
applications, according to Splunk’s 2023 State of Observability
report. On the security side, 65% of security operations center (SOC)
teams complained about pivoting among too many disparate tools
and management consoles, inhibiting comprehensive and timely
investigation and response. When it comes to digital resilience, every
second of detection or response time matters. And when teams are
forced to use multiple tools, they start to develop multiple sources
of truth. Purpose-built AI integrates into existing workflows and
surfaces at the right time, with the right context. Simply put, it works
the right way when it counts.
Humans belong in the driver’s seat,with AI as a trusted copilot.
People once envisioned the future as a world conquered completelyby machines, a cartoon-like fantasy involving self-driving (or even
flying) cars, friendly robot butlers and carefree vacations to outer
space. But some of those predictions didn’t quite pan out. The selfdriving cars that do exist rely on deep learning algorithms trained on
large datasets, enabling the vehicle to recognize road signs, traffic
and pedestrians and make decisions based on that intelligence. And
unfortunately, self-driving cars have made headlines for causing
traffic jams and crashes — some of which have been fatal.
In a high-stakes situation like driving, machines shouldn’t be trusted
as the sole decision makers. No matter how large the training model,
a vehicle can’t — and shouldn’t — comprehend the emotional
significance of choosing between a dog retrieving a ball or a squirrel
darting in the road.
Similarly, a single decision can make a big impact on observability
and security outcomes, with a ripple effect into the business. AI
should work alongside humans, acting as copilots to quickly deliver
facts, summarize events and bring priority alerts to the forefront. But
humans should always be in the driver’s seat.
In The Role of Emotions in Military Strategy, professor SamuelZilincik argues that emotion can be beneficial in war, whether used
as a motivator or method of manipulation. Blue teamers in particular
must be more creative, empathetic and motivated to outsmart
their adversaries, who often have a leg up due to the lawlessness
of their strategies. Tacit knowledge, instinct and good old common
sense are all underestimated skills in any security operations center
(SOC), engineering or IT operations team that AI will never be able
to replace.
Today’s digital battlefield is fraught with complex environments
and attack methods, and the stakes are incredibly high. Navigating
it requires nuance that only humans have. Determining the right
way to respond to an incident isn’t always as straightforward as
understanding what happened, who was involved and where it
occurred. It requires untangling a web of context and peeling back
layers of logic and reasoning. Researching the threat tactics of a
new ransomware group also requires nuance and human ingenuity.
Without existing reference material, an AI system would struggle to
keep up with evolving types of attacks and incidents.
Human-in-the-loop feedback also contributes to more responsible
models, which enhances trustworthiness. When it comes to matters
of digital resilience, trust is paramount.
Openness and extensibility willsupercharge AI innovation.
Powerful AI requires the right data on a large scale. AI alreadyrelies on and generates a massive amount of data, and that will
only expand as organizations train and run models with billions of
parameters. Building AI models that will power the next 20 years and
beyond requires forethought, planning and collaboration.
Open, extensible AI has a few different meanings. Extensible AI
means flexibility for developers, data scientists and partners to build,
extend or connect AI models in ways that work best for them. They
can use Splunk’s proprietary models or bring their own models to
align with their organization’s policies and risk tolerance.
If history has taught us anything, it’s that people want to be met
where they are. Just as hybrid and multicloud isn’t going away
anytime soon, neither is a desire to tailor and adapt to each
organization’s specific needs. Rigidity will only pose limitations
and prevent innovation. To that end, AI systems should be easily
integrated, customized and extended — and they should work
seamlessly across the many different tools already within an
observability and security stack.
Not only does extensible AI enable developers to build models
faster and easier, but it also promotes community and collaboration.
Just as open source has ushered in innovation within software
development, we believe that extensibility is the cornerstone ofbuilding AI to scale, which is a true team effort. Our portfolio is made
more robust not only by internal engineering teams, but also by
partners and third-party apps — we believe building AI is an equally
collaborative process. And as customers opt in to share aggregated
and anonymized data, we’ll be able to fine-tune and continuously
improve models based on their actual environments.
Open, transparent AI also means peeling back the curtain of mystery
that often shrouds it. This is important for a few reasons. AI is like
Pandora’s box in more ways than one. Data privacy issues aside, it’s
difficult to grasp how an AI model makes decisions — and that’s
only getting harder as AI becomes smarter and more widespread.
Scaling, creating and adapting anything requires some knowledge of
the current framework. We believe that transparency for how things
work further enables developers and data scientists to adapt models
and build atop them.
That transparency promotes more responsible use of AI, too,
revealing biases, inaccuracies and hallucinations. Future-proofing is
also about building on a solid foundation and addressing problems so
that cracks don’t form later on.
Bringing our philosophy to lifeto catalyze digital resilience
In the pursuit of building a safer, more resilient world, our AI strategy will focus on three areas designedto build value and trust — and in turn, drive better outcomes for our customers.
Find the needles and know whatto do about them.
For security and observability professionals, wading
through hundreds of alerts every day doesn’t exactly
bring joy. It’s also not the best use of time for a
professional with expertise and domain knowledge,
who’s better off strategizing or problem solving instead.
That’s why we’ve been innovating with ML for anomaly
detection since 2018. We see the potential to take this
further by detecting anomalies across security and
observability — two sides of the same coin. Both are data
problems. An anomalous spike in server utilization could
be noisy code or an attack.
Our aim is to build a centralized AI service that will
surface insights across our security and observability
applications so humans can approach problems from
multiple angles and remediate them more quickly. This
can be applied across different use cases — we’re
building for centralization, not silos.
AI will allow us to better understand time-series,
correlations and anomalies, identify and analyze the root
cause, and recommend ways to remediate the problem.
Embed AI-powered assistiveexperiences into workflows.
We recognize that security, IT and engineeringprofessionals are overwhelmed with the complexities
in their environments — whether that takes the form of
attack methods, data, tools or alerts. That’s why our next
pillar is to make Splunk more efficient and effective for
our users. We’ll surface AI in the right times and places to
lighten the load, completely transforming time-to-value
and daily outcomes customers can achieve. When users
rely on Splunk, AI will help them get to better answers
and actions faster.
We’ll build, train and embed domain-specific AI
techniques to enhance investigation and response
workflows. AI will help write searches, summarize
incidents and recommend investigation steps — all
personalized for a customer’s environment and
use cases.